It is time to make your battery energy storage profitable


Sizing a Battery Energy Storage (BES) for a smart building application is a trade-off between cost of the BES itself and available stored energy. Our software is able to compute, for each targeted building, the size of BES minimizing the investment cost and maximizing revenues.

Increasing Energy

Unfortunately, for the majority of building (residential or industrial) there is a time mismatch between PV production and Load consumption. Our software is able to predict and manage the time window for which it is possible to charge the BES (PV higher than load) and discharge the battery (PV lower than load).


The management is done for reducing the ageing of the BES and increasing the revenues. Based on our validation, in real buildings located in Lausanne, the ageing is reduced up to 45% compared to a non ageing-aware strategy.

Ancillary Services

Deploying your battery for frequency and/or voltage control? How much will it cost from the utility point of view? And from an end-client? We are able to compute this cost and the associated benefit.

Electric Vehicles
(V2G & 2nd Life)

Aurora'Grid is working on the integration of EVs batteries providing ancillary services to the grid (V2G) or to building (V2B). Moreovoer, we started to focus on the development of an EMS for Second-life batteries applications.

Ancillary Services

  • Primary, secondary and tertiary frequency market
  • 24 hour ahead market and Energy arbitrage
  • More than 20 MWh across Europe

EV Charge Stations

  • Management of commercial and residential building with EV charge station
  • No BES: Grid constraint and Peak shaving accounted for


  • 30 ms aggregation time
  • Can connect up to 50 sites simultaneously
  • Deployed for C&I and Utility Scale

2nd Life Battery

  • MBMS for various BES
  • Possibility to integrate hybrid systems

Renewable Self-Consumption

  • Increasing self-consumption ratio
  • Decreasing ageing of battery (by 20-40%)
  • Possibility to couple with other services

Peak Shaving

  • Reducing both renewable and load peak
  • Enabling additional revenue
  • Self-learning of the local behavior

CO2 Tracking

  • Decarbonize assets, infrastructures or specific process
  • Enabling 50% reduction in CO2 footprint

Is ageing of batteries really important ?

All these wrong behaviours have to be avoided with residential and industrial battery storage systems.

Letting your smartphone turning off because of a complete discharged battery is reducing its useful lifetime up to 1%.

Keeping your smartphone connected with the charger all night long is reducing the lifetime of the battery up to 40%. It is better to charge it in the morning for one hour.

Charging your smartphone if its temperature is high (35 degres) reduces the useful lifetime of the battery up to 40%. It is better to wait that the smartphone cools down and charge it later on.

Latest news

Plug&Play Energy Management System #EMS

- Commissioned in less than 60 minutes;
- Extending lifetime of Li-ions BES of 40%;
- Is hardware-agnostic;
- Similar architecture for C&I, emobility and utility-scale;
- Deployed in 3 continents with more than 9 countries in Europe only.

Come and visit Aurora's Grid team to discover more about our Energy Management Multiple Applications (E.M.M.A) at The smarter E, Intersolar, Power2Drive Booth B5.473

Feel free to book a 30 minutes slot with our :
CEO Dimitri Torregrossa : Book Here
Head of Engineering & Analitics Ali Zeineddine : Book Here

June 18th 2024

Second Edition of E-Charge

The event is entirely dedicated to the electric vehicle charging sector. Roberto Pirrello was present as a visitor, going around the stands to present our EMS solution

May 7-8th 2024

NME (Next Mobility Exhibition) 2024 Milano RHO

The Next Mobility Exhibition is a biennial international event dedicated to solutions, technologies, means, and policies for an integrated, innovative, and sustainable mobility system for people. Our Business Developer, Roberto Pirrello, visited the pavilions and met with the most important market players.

May 8-10th 2024

Lisbon Energy Summit & Exhibition 2024

Antonios Tsavadroglou : Very productive meetings with my great colleague Ali Zinedine EMS Engineer.
Thank you Portugal 🇵🇹

If you wish to meet Antonios Tsavadroglou at Intersolar Munich on June 19-21st book an appointment in advance here:
Book Here

May 27-29th 2024


Energyear Spain, the leading congress in the renewable energy sector in Spain. Present for the entire event, with our Business Developer Spain, Roberto Pirrello and our CEO Dimitri Torregrossa

April 9-10th 2024

Middle East Energy Dubai 2024

Even during challenging times I am glad to reschedule many of Dubai meetings in Aurora's Grid Booth B5.473 during Intersolar, Munich, Germany next Week 19-21st June 2024.

If you wish to meet Antonios Tsavadroglou in Munich please book an appointment in advance here:
Book Here

April 18-19th 2024

Thessaloniki Renewable Energy Tech

Hello from Thessaloniki Renewable Energy Tech 7-9 march '24! Delighted to present Aurora's Grid solutions and why we add value to leading companies of the energy market.

March 7-9th 2024

KEY - The Energy Transition Expo

KEY - The Energy Transition Expo the most important European event dedicated to technologies, services, integrated solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energy in Italy and the Mediterranean basin. Aurora's Grid, through the Business Developer dedicated to Italy and Spain, illustrated our solution to exhibitors and visitors over the three days

February-March 28-01th 2024

Genera 2024 Madrid

Energy and Environment Fair, organized by IFEMA MADRID in collaboration with the IDAE, Institute for Energy. We were present as visitors through our Business developer dedicated to the Spanish market, Roberto Pirrello

February 6-8th 2024

Athens Intercontinental Renewable and Storage Forum

Greetings from Athens Intercontinental Renewable and Storage Forum November '23', Antonis Tsavdaroglou's first Expo with a great colleague Mohamed Thebti E-mobility Product Manager

November 2-3rd 2023

Aurora's Grid gets 7 years old!

October 6th 2023

New Business Developer

welcoming Mr. Antonis Tsavdaroglou. Having more than 20 years of experience on sales and CRM he will support the growth of Aurora’s Grid with special focus on Greek and Balkan market. We are very glad to welcome him on our team!

Following our post on scaling Aurora’s Grid team, we are glad to welcome Mr. Roberto Pirrello

With a strong business background and 10 years of experience on Sales and Procurement Management, he joins today as Business Developer with specific focus on Italian and Spanish market. We are fully confident he will provide high-skilled support to our clients.

Strengthen technical team!!

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Ali Zeineddine as EMS engineer at Aurora's Grid. After successfully obtained a Phd in Electrical Engineering at University of Toronto, Ali will support our scaling-up of EMS installations around Europe.

The Future in Training: Our Apprentice Students

We are delighted to welcome Nabila Furmuly and Joris Bailly in their final phase of training as Computer Application Development CFC (Web-Cloud) professionals. Furthermore, we sincerely thank Jobtrek for their commitment to enhancing the skills of young individuals in the service of innovative companies in the Vaud region!

Augest 21th 2023

Joint Venture: Aurora' s Grid Hellas

In recent months, Greece has witnessed a significant boom in the energy storage market, marking a transformative shift in the country's energy landscape. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including favorable government policies, advancements in technology, and increasing renewable energy integration. One of the key drivers of the energy storage market in Greece is the government's commitment to transitioning to a cleaner and more sustainable energy system. In this respect, we are thrilled to announce a strategic joint venture “Aurora’s Grid Hellas”, between LL&DS Holding and Aurora’s Grid LC, focused on Balkan market. This groundbreaking collaboration brings together the extensive expertise and resources of both LL&DS Holding and Aurora’s Grid LC to tackle the growing challenges in energy storage and accelerate the development of cutting-edge technologies. With a shared vision of a sustainable future and a commitment to innovation, this joint venture will revolutionize the energy sector by addressing critical issues such as grid stability, renewable integration, and e-mobility. We are ready to provide our Energy Management Multiple Applications (EMMA) as game-changing solution to reshape the energy landscape.

Never stop growing!!

In order to support our growing market traction, Dr. Herjuno Rah Nindhito is reaching the EMS's team developers. Obtained a PhD at University of Geneve, with his strong background on big data analysis and machine learning is the right person for large deployment of our diagnostic and predictive maintenance tool for Li-ion battery.

New Energy Management Systems developer

We are delighted to welcome Mohamed Thebti in our team. With a robust background on modeling and experimental investigation of 2nd life BES is joining as Energy Management Systems developer.

New R&D Engineer - Stijn Nefkens

Aurora’s Grid Team growing again!!! A Great Welcome to our new R&D Engineer, Mr. Stijn Nefkens. Bringing more than 3 years of experience on renewable energies, he will help us with news EMMA 2.0 deployment!!

May 24th 2021

First Step Towards a Flourishing Collaboration

The direct connection between Voltalia Group and Aurora’s Grid is a clear example of how companies can quickly optimize their effort through rapid design and simulation cycles of battery energy storage coupled with photovoltaic power plant. Sizing-emulating platforms such as Aurora’s Grid 4.0 are a growing need on the desktop, as more engineers analyze “battery project” products for real-operating conditions while designing. This trend– in which battery twin-digital simulation occurs as part of the daily feasibility study process – benefits companies by providing an improved understanding of the ROI of the targeted project and better estimation of lifetime of the battery as well as C02 footprint reduction with a fast realization of optimal designs.

Aptil 30th 2021

As Google claimed few weeks ago: Round-the-clock renewable energy... We are so grateful to Swiss Climate Foundation for supporting our project «Enhanced Renewable Energy Credit»

We will prove that in addition to a yearly balance between renewable production and load consumption, we do need to further decrease CO2 footprint of buildings and grids, by storing renewable energy and deploying it when the CO2 footprint of the grid is the worst one! To achieve this goal we are enhancing our Energy Management for Mutiple Application (EMMA), we are using 2nd life battery storage and we futher collaborate with Eaton Group.

November 23rd 2020

Glad to deliver two additional industrial licenses of our Energy Management for Multiple Applications EMMA 1.0, to Romande Energie SA for their installation in Chapelle-sur-Moudon, Switzerland

July 4th 2020

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EPFL Innovation Park, Route Cantonale, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Call us on

+41 78 720 92 27